VPN.ht Warrant Canary Although VPN.ht is subject to Hong Kong law and not subject to laws such as the US Patriot Act, in the interests of transparency and accountability, we will be issuing a daily "warrant canary". This will protect VPN.ht users in the event we are required by law to be silent about any searches, seizures of data or requirements to log. Special note should be taken if this messages ceased to be updated or are removed from this page. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Right now, it's 26 Jul 2024. To this date there have been no warrants, searches or seizures that have not been reported in our Transparency Report, and that have actually taken place. The sky is blue :) No warrants, searches or seizures of any kind have ever been performed on VPN.ht assets. ****** ****** The below content is an excerpt from https://torrentfreak.net/ to verify today's date. Major Labels Block 40 Pirate Domains, Search Deindexing More Concerning Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:45:51 +0000 https://torrentfreak.com/major-labels-block-40-pirate-domains-search-deindexing-more-concerning-240726/ If Z-Library Scam Did Deceive Millions, Exploiting a Lack of Research Was Ironic Thu, 25 Jul 2024 22:00:29 +0000 https://torrentfreak.com/if-z-library-scam-did-deceive-millions-exploiting-a-lack-of-research-was-ironic-240725/ New Site Blocking Push Aims to Curb Italy’s Growing Stream-Ripping Numbers Thu, 25 Jul 2024 12:34:37 +0000 https://torrentfreak.com/new-site-blocking-push-aims-to-curb-italys-growing-streamripping-numbers-240725/ Five Men Behind Huge Pirate Streaming Site Want Their Convictions Overturned Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:53:40 +0000 https://torrentfreak.com/five-men-behind-huge-pirate-streaming-site-want-their-convictions-overturned-240724/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJmo7LpAAoJEJi6AVgjwJB5BPwH/RYdf7Q25qwhuP6GD2Ez4szq DMH89t1kNSlDnivWD4n+b9XxQ632FoRIAK/XEIzoAF8pOoYY0aIL5582wpk0UOeH +OVL2nbCGIUw1yj7QbL56HyLPEnGHady8TRPJtUDfzPdUsUQtkjU2iueHRziH6uy aUvYgvjhKhwxP3qAKP9aAxJZJq/7ZCPMcd4SSECBSpaNP7GKSczby0LDK5OkyjxX xU41y5C3wiSJNQguY5abmEVUZF6ySboFhpdN92XWR4NRvPgGI5080fbC7NvDp5AF i4OK5Ui3MJ88OzT/2Z93JzL0MDVb0YXDEbsNSTPLMFT6ExDKbjgXrq2TK3dCZkc= =a4Pa -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- You can find the public key there: https://vpn.ht/canary.pubkey.txt NB: This notice is not 100% bulletproof. It is clearly signed by us, and the idea is that, while we may be forced not to talk about an intervention, we cannot be prevented from actually remaining silent. The contrary would mean that we are forced both not to talk, and, to keep talking. Despite this non-sense, a legal onus exists and lies in whether we could be forced to keep publishing such notice no matter if it is proven false -- in other words, the question is whether we may be forced to state false information for the benefit of the underlying investigation. By deciding to move forward with this notice, VPN.ht hereby clarifies its standpoint on whether it is ready to challenge the ambiguities of the law for the sake of its customer's privacy.